Top 8 Foods for Healthy Bones


As we age, our bones start becoming thinner and lose their density. The process starts pacing up especially in women after menopause. However, eating the right diet can give you the maximum defense as well as boost your bone mass and bone density at any age.
Here are the top eight must have foods that should be included in your daily diet for healthy, stronger bones:

1. Milk
Perfect Strong-Bone Food Our bones need calcium to stay healthy and strong. Milk is one of the richest sources of calcium.
A single eight ounce cup of milk, whether skim, low-fat or whole, contains 300 milligrams (mg) of calcium. It is said that kids, teenagers, and adults younger than 50 years, need 1000mg of calcium everyday and adults above 50 need 1200mg a day.

2. Yogurt and Cheese
Not a milk lover? Nothing to worry, you have plenty of other options. Dairy products like yogurt and cheese could be the next best foods for healthy bones.

A single cup of yogurt has as much calcium (300mg) as a single eight ounce cup of milk.

Likewise, one ounce of Swiss cheese contains the same amount of calcium and can be used in cooking or on salads.

If you are lactose intolerant, you can go in for other milk products that are lactose-free. It is said that removing the lactose from the milk products does not in any way affect the calcium content.

3. Sardines
Sardines are another rich source of calcium as well as omega-fatty acids needed for healthy bones. Sardine is a type of fish that can work wonders to enhance bone-health.

These days, canned sardines are also available in the market. Eating three ounces of the canned sardines can deliver a little more calcium than a single cup of milk.

4. Green-leafy Vegetables
Not a non-vegetarian? Green-leafy vegetables may be a great option for the vegetarians. Many vegetables like Chinese cabbage and broccoli are great sources of calcium as well as protein required for healthy and flexible bones.

For instance, half a cup of Chinese cabbage can deliver calcium equivalent to a single eight ounce cup of milk.

A single cup of turnip greens or chopped broccoli, whether boiled or not, contains 200mg of calcium.

5. Soy Foods
Recent studies have shown that calcium isn't the only nutrient needed for strong bones. Plant-based chemicals called isoflavones are also needed to strengthen bone density.

Soy foods like tofu are plentiful in these chemicals. Tofu is also rich in calcium mineral content. Half a cup of tofu is said to contain 250mg of calcium.

Those who have lactose-intolerance or are past milk or green leafy vegetables can bank upon soy foods for healthy bones.

6. Fortified Foods
If you don't like dairy products, sardines, or green leafy vegetables, you can go for fortified foods enhanced with varying amounts of the essential mineral.

These supplement foods that make a good nutritious breakfast could be a good source of calcium needed for healthy bones. Fortified orange juice contains up to 240mg of calcium and fortified cereals contain up to 1000mg of calcium per cup.

7. Calcium Supplements
You may also opt for calcium supplements which help in building strong bones. However, you may not need these supplements, if you are getting enough calcium from the food you eat, say experts.

Some reports suggest that taking 1500mg calcium per day is sufficient for healthy bones.

The calcium supplements should be taken with meals. To maximize the absorption of these supplements, take no more than 500 mg at a time.

One should always consult a doctor before taking the supplements on his own.

8. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts like almonds, pistachios, and seeds like sunflower seeds, seaweeds are very rich in calcium content as well as minerals such as iron, boron, selenium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

They are also a great source of bone-healthy fatty acids as well as plant protein.

A handful of nuts and seeds taken every day can go a long way in promoting healthy bones.

No doubt our bones begin to thin out as we age, but there are ways to ensure peak bone mass and bone density at all ages.

Eating the right type of diet, including a lot of calcium-rich foods, and undertaking physical workout are two vital lines of defense that may keep your bones strong and healthy.